Bash at the Beach ‘95
Show Results
Pre-Show MatchChris Kanyon Sgt. Craig PittmanSgt. Craig Pittman Chris Kanyon(2:03)
Pre-Show MatchRoad Warrior Hawk Mark StarrRoad Warrior Hawk Mark Starr(1:25)
Pre-Show MatchAlex Wright & Marcus Alexander Bagwell The Stud Stable (Bunkhouse Buck & Dick Slater) with Col. Robert ParkerThe Stud Stable (Bunkhouse Buck & Dick Slater) with Col. Robert Parker Alex Wright & Marcus Alexander Bagwell(3:27)
Singles MatchC Sting Meng with Col. Robert ParkerC Sting Meng with Col. Robert Parker(15:28)WCW United States Heavyweight Championship
Singles MatchC The Renegade with Jimmy Hart Paul OrndorffC The Renegade with Jimmy Hart Paul Orndorff(6:12)WCW World Television Championship
Singles MatchJim Duggan Kamala with The TaskmasterKamala with The Taskmaster Jim Duggan(6:06)
Singles MatchDave Sullivan Diamond Dallas Page with The Diamond Doll & Max MuscleDiamond Dallas Page with The Diamond Doll & Max Muscle Dave Sullivan(4:23)
Tag Team Triangle MatchC Harlem Heat (Booker T & Stevie Ray) with Sister Sherri The Nasty Boys (Brian Knobbs & Jerry Sags) The Blue Bloods (Lord Steven Regal & Earl Robert Eaton)C Harlem Heat (Booker T & Stevie Ray) with Sister Sherri The Nasty Boys (Brian Knobbs & Jerry Sags) The Blue Bloods (Lord Steven Regal & Earl Robert Eaton)(13:08)WCW World Tag Team Championship
Lifeguard Lumberjack MatchRandy Savage Ric FlairRandy Savage Ric Flair(13:56)
Steel Cage MatchC Hulk Hogan with Dennis Rodman & Jimmy Hart VaderC Hulk Hogan with Dennis Rodman & Jimmy Hart Vader(13:23)WCW World Heavyweight Championship
What Happened When #78
The Lapsed Fan #324 Pt. 1
The Lapsed Fan #324 Pt. 2