Bash at the Beach ‘98
Show Results
Dark Tag Team MatchCiclope & Damien Villano IV & Villano VVillano IV & Villano V Ciclope & Damien(7:51)
Raven's Rules MatchSaturn Raven with Riggs & LodiRaven with Riggs & Lodi Saturn(10:40)
Singles MatchJuventud Guerrera KidmanJuventud Guerrera Kidman(9:55)
Singles MatchChavo Guerrero Jr. Stevie RayStevie Ray Chavo Guerrero Jr.(1:35)
Hair vs. Hair MatchChavo Guerrero Jr. Eddie GuerreroEddie Guerrero Chavo Guerrero Jr.(11:54)
Singles MatchDisco Inferno with Alex Wright Konnan with Lex Luger & Kevin NashKonnan with Lex Luger & Kevin Nash Disco Inferno with Alex Wright(2:16)
Singles MatchThe Giant Kevin GreeneThe Giant Kevin Greene(6:58)
No Disqualification MatchC Chris Jericho Rey Misterio Jr.Rey Misterio Jr. C Chris Jericho(6:00)WCW Cruiserweight Championship • Title Change!
Singles MatchC Booker T Bret HartC Booker T Bret Hartby DQ(8:28)WCW World Television Championship
Singles MatchC Goldberg Curt HennigC Goldberg Curt Hennig(3:50)WCW World Heavyweight Championship
Tag Team MatchDiamond Dallas Page & Karl Malone Hollywood Hogan & Dennis Rodman with The DiscipleHollywood Hogan & Dennis Rodman with The Disciple Diamond Dallas Page & Karl Malone(23:47)
83 Weeks with Eric Bischoff #62