King of the Ring ‘95
Show Results
Pre-Show Singles MatchSavio Vega with Razor Ramon Irwin R. Schyster with Ted DiBiaseSavio Vega with Razor Ramon Irwin R. Schyster with Ted DiBiase(5:01)
Additional Stipulations
1995 King of the Ring Qualifying Round
King of the Ring Quarter-Final MatchSavio Vega with Razor Ramon Yokozuna with Jim Cornette & Mr. FujiSavio Vega with Razor Ramon Yokozuna with Jim Cornette & Mr. Fujiby Count Out(8:24)
King of the Ring Quarter-Final MatchBob Holly The Roadie with Jeff JarrettThe Roadie with Jeff Jarrett Bob Holly(7:11)
King of the Ring Quarter-Final MatchShawn Michaels Kama with Ted DiBiaseShawn Michaels Kama with Ted DiBiaseTime Limit Draw(15:00)
King of the Ring Quarter-Final MatchThe Undertaker with Paul Bearer Mabel with MoMabel with Mo The Undertaker with Paul Bearer(10:44)
King of the Ring Semi-Final MatchSavio Vega with Razor Ramon The Roadie with Jeff JarrettSavio Vega with Razor Ramon The Roadie with Jeff Jarrett(6:36)
Kiss My Foot MatchBret Hart Jerry LawlerBret Hart Jerry Lawler(9:20)
King of the Ring Final MatchSavio Vega with Razor Ramon Mabel with MoMabel with Mo Savio Vega with Razor Ramon(8:32)
Tag Team MatchDiesel & Bam Bam Bigelow The Million Dollar Corporation (Sycho Sid & Tatanka) with Ted DiBiaseDiesel & Bam Bam Bigelow The Million Dollar Corporation (Sycho Sid & Tatanka) with Ted DiBiase(17:35)
The Lapsed Fan #2