No Mercy ‘99 (UK)
Show Results
Singles MatchGillberg Tiger Ali SinghTiger Ali Singh Gillberg(1:05)
Six-Man Tag Team MatchThe Brood (Gangrel, Edge & Christian) The Ministry of Darkness (Faarooq, Bradshaw & Viscera)The Ministry of Darkness (Faarooq, Bradshaw & Viscera) The Brood (Gangrel, Edge & Christian)(13:49)
Singles MatchSteve Blackman DrozSteve Blackman Droz(7:43)
Singles MatchKane MideonKane Mideonby DQ(4:34)
Singles MatchNicole Bass with Sable ToriNicole Bass with Sable Tori(0:27)
Singles MatchC Shane McMahon X-PacC Shane McMahon X-Pac(8:26)WWF European Championship
Singles MatchMankind Billy GunnMankind Billy Gunn(12:17)
Anything Goes Triple Threat MatchC Stone Cold Steve Austin The Undertaker with Paul Bearer Triple H with ChynaC Stone Cold Steve Austin The Undertaker with Paul Bearer Triple H with Chyna(18:27)WWF Championship