Road Wild ‘97
Show Results
Tag Team MatchHarlem Heat (Booker T & Stevie Ray) Vicious & Delicious (Scott Norton & Buff Bagwell) with VincentHarlem Heat (Booker T & Stevie Ray) Vicious & Delicious (Scott Norton & Buff Bagwell) with Vincent(10:20)
Mexican Death MatchRey Misterio Jr. KonnanKonnan Rey Misterio Jr.(10:20)
Tag Team Elimination MatchThe Four Horsemen (Chris Benoit & Steve McMichael) Dean Malenko & Jeff Jarrett with DebraThe Four Horsemen (Chris Benoit & Steve McMichael) Dean Malenko & Jeff Jarrett with Debra(9:36)
Singles MatchC Alex Wright Chris JerichoC Alex Wright Chris Jericho(13:03)WCW Cruiserweight Championship
Singles MatchRic Flair SyxxRic Flair Syxx(11:06)
Singles MatchDiamond Dallas Page with Kimberley Page Curt HennigCurt Hennig Diamond Dallas Page with Kimberley Page(9:41)
Singles MatchThe Giant Randy Savage with Miss ElizabethThe Giant Randy Savage with Miss Elizabeth(6:05)
Tag Team MatchC The Outsiders (Kevin Nash & Scott Hall) The Steiner Brothers (Rick Steiner & Scott Steiner) with Ted DiBiaseThe Steiner Brothers (Rick Steiner & Scott Steiner) with Ted DiBiase C The Outsiders (Kevin Nash & Scott Hall)by DQ(15:29)WCW World Tag Team Championship
Singles MatchC Hollywood Hogan Lex LugerLex Luger C Hollywood Hogan(16:15)WCW World Heavyweight Championship • Title Change!
What Happened When #292
83 Weeks with Eric Bischoff #123
The Lapsed Fan #264 Pt. 1
The Lapsed Fan #264 Pt. 2