Starrcade ‘86
Show Results
Greensboro Coliseum
Tag Team MatchDon Kernodle & Rocky Kernodle Tim Horner & Nelson RoyalTim Horner & Nelson Royal Don Kernodle & Rocky Kernodle(7:30)
Tag Team MatchHector Guerrero & Baron von Raschke Shaska Whatley & The BarbarianHector Guerrero & Baron von Raschke Shaska Whatley & The Barbarian(7:25)
Strap MatchWahoo McDaniel Rick Rude with Paul JonesWahoo McDaniel Rick Rude with Paul Jones(9:05)
Hair vs. Hair MatchJimmy Valiant with Big Mama Paul Jones with Manny FernandezJimmy Valiant with Big Mama Paul Jones with Manny Fernandez(4:00)
First Blood MatchC Dusty Rhodes Tully Blanchard with J. J. DillonTully Blanchard with J. J. Dillon C Dusty Rhodes(7:30)NWA World Television Championship • Title Change!
Steel Cage MatchC The Rock ‘n’ Roll Express (Ricky Morton & Robert Gibson) The Minnesota Wrecking Crew (Arn Anderson & Ole Anderson)C The Rock ‘n’ Roll Express (Ricky Morton & Robert Gibson) The Minnesota Wrecking Crew (Arn Anderson & Ole Anderson)(20:20)NWA World Tag Team Championship
Omni Coliseum
Singles MatchBrad Armstrong Jimmy Garvin with PreciousBrad Armstrong Jimmy Garvin with PreciousTime Limit Draw(15:00)
No Disqualification Tag Team MatchC The Russian Team (Ivan Koloff & Krusher Kruschev) The Kansas Jayhawks (Bobby Jaggers & Dutch Mantel)C The Russian Team (Ivan Koloff & Krusher Kruschev) The Kansas Jayhawks (Bobby Jaggers & Dutch Mantel)(9:10)NWA United States Tag Team Championship
Singles MatchC Sam Houston Bill DundeeC Sam Houston Bill Dundeeby DQ(10:24)NWA Central States Heavyweight Championship
Louisville Street FightRon Garvin Big Bubba Rogers with Jim CornetteBig Bubba Rogers with Jim Cornette Ron Garvinby KO(11:50)
Scaffold Tag Team MatchThe Road Warriors (Hawk & Animal) with Paul Ellering The Midnight Express (Bobby Eaton & Dennis Condrey) with Jim Cornette & Big Bubba RogersThe Road Warriors (Hawk & Animal) with Paul Ellering The Midnight Express (Bobby Eaton & Dennis Condrey) with Jim Cornette & Big Bubba Rogers(7:00)
Singles MatchC Ric Flair Nikita KoloffC Ric Flair Nikita KoloffDouble DQ(20:00)NWA World Heavyweight Championship
What Happened When #253
What Happened When #254
The Lapsed Fan #70