The War to Settle the Score
Show Results
Dark MatchRick McGraw Moondog SpotRick McGraw Moondog SpotTime Limit Draw(15:00)
Dark MatchJohnny Rodz Jose Luis RiveraJohnny Rodz Jose Luis Rivera(11:14)
Dark MatchHillbilly Jim Rene GouletHillbilly Jim Rene Goulet(7:29)
Dark MatchC Wendi Richter with Cyndi Lauper Leilani Kai with The Fabulous MoolahLeilani Kai with The Fabulous Moolah C Wendi Richter with Cyndi Lauper(11:49)WWF Women's Championship • Title Change!
Dark MatchDavid Sammartino Moondog RexDavid Sammartino Moondog Rex(12:27)
Dark MatchSwede Hanson Nikolai Voloff with Freddie BlassieNikolai Voloff with Freddie Blassie Swede Hanson(5:48)
Dark MatchJimmy Snuka Bob OrtonJimmy Snuka Bob Orton(9:59)
Dark MatchTony Atlas Paul OrndorffPaul Orndorff Tony Atlas(6:08)
Dark Tag Team MatchC The U.S. Express (Barry Windham & Mike Rotunda) with Captain Lou Albano The Spoiler & The AssassinC The U.S. Express (Barry Windham & Mike Rotunda) with Captain Lou Albano The Spoiler & The Assassin(0:36)WWF Tag Team Championship
Dark MatchSalvatore Bellomo The Magnificent MuracoThe Magnificent Muraco Salvatore Bellomo(2:41)
Singles MatchC Hulk Hogan with Captain Lou Albano, Cyndi Lauper & David Wolff Roddy Piper with Bob OrtonC Hulk Hogan with Captain Lou Albano, Cyndi Lauper & David Wolff Roddy Piper with Bob Ortonby DQ(8:40)WWF World Heavyweight Championship