WrestleMania VIII
Show Results
Dark Tag Team MatchThe Bushwhackers (Butch & Luke) The Beverly Brothers (Beau Beverly & Blake Beverly)The Bushwhackers (Butch & Luke) The Beverly Brothers (Beau Beverly & Blake Beverly)(10:00)
Singles MatchEl Matador Shawn Michaels with Sensational SherriShawn Michaels with Sensational Sherri El Matador(18:38)
Singles MatchJake Roberts The Undertaker with Paul BearerThe Undertaker with Paul Bearer Jake Roberts(6:36)
Singles MatchC Roddy Piper Bret HartBret Hart C Roddy Piper(18:51)WWF Intercontinental Championship • Title Change!
Eight-Man Tag Team MatchBig Boss Man, Sgt. Slaughter, Jim Duggan & Virgil Repo Man, The Mountie & The Nasty Boys (Brian Knobbs & Jerry Sags) with Jimmy HartBig Boss Man, Sgt. Slaughter, Jim Duggan & Virgil Repo Man, The Mountie & The Nasty Boys (Brian Knobbs & Jerry Sags) with Jimmy Hart(6:33)
Singles MatchC Ric Flair with Mr. Perfect Randy Savage with Miss ElizabethRandy Savage with Miss Elizabeth C Ric Flair with Mr. Perfect(25:04)WWF World Heavyweight Championship • Title Change!
Singles MatchTatanka Rick MartelTatanka Rick Martel(4:33)
Tag Team MatchC Money Inc. (Ted DiBiase & Irwin R. Schyster) with Jimmy Hart The Natural Disasters (Earthquake & Typhoon)The Natural Disasters (Earthquake & Typhoon) C Money Inc. (Ted DiBiase & Irwin R. Schyster) with Jimmy Hartby Count Out(8:38)WWF World Tag Team Championship
Singles MatchOwen Hart SkinnerOwen Hart Skinner(1:36)
Singles MatchHulk Hogan Sid Justice with Harvey WipplemanHulk Hogan Sid Justice with Harvey Wipplemanby DQ(18:28)
The Lapsed Fan #20