
November 20, 1993 Pensacola Civic Center Pensacola, Florida

Show Results


  1. Lethal Lottery Tag Team Match ★½
    Cactus Jack & Vader with Harley Race Charlie Norris & Kane
    Cactus Jack & Vader with Harley Race Charlie Norris & Kane
  2. Lethal Lottery Tag Team Match ¾★
    Johnny B. Badd & Brian Knobbs with Missy Hyatt Erik Watts & Paul Roma
    Johnny B. Badd & Brian Knobbs with Missy Hyatt Erik Watts & Paul Roma
  3. Lethal Lottery Tag Team Match ★★
    Ricky Steamboat & Lord Steven Regal with Sir William Dundee The Shockmaster & Paul Orndorff with The Assassin
    The Shockmaster & Paul Orndorff with The Assassin Ricky Steamboat & Lord Steven Regal with Sir William Dundee
  4. Lethal Lottery Tag Team Match –★★★
    Dustin Rhodes & King Kong The Equalizer & Awesome Kong
    Dustin Rhodes & King Kong The Equalizer & Awesome Kong
  5. Lethal Lottery Tag Team Match ★½
    Sting & Jerry Sags with Missy Hyatt Ron Simmons & Keith Cole
    Sting & Jerry Sags with Missy Hyatt Ron Simmons & Keith Cole
  6. Lethal Lottery Tag Team Match ★★¾
    Ric Flair & Steve Austin with Fifi & Col. Robert Parker 2 Cold Scorpio & Maxx Payne
    Ric Flair & Steve Austin with Fifi & Col. Robert Parker 2 Cold Scorpio & Maxx Payne
  7. Lethal Lottery Tag Team Match –★
    Rick Rude & Shanghai Pierce Marcus Alexander Bagwell & Tex Slazenger
    Rick Rude & Shanghai Pierce Marcus Alexander Bagwell & Tex Slazenger
  8. Lethal Lottery Tag Team Match DUD
    Davey Boy Smith & Kole Road Warrior Hawk & Rip Rogers
    Road Warrior Hawk & Rip Rogers Davey Boy Smith & Kole
  9. Battlebowl Match ★★★½
    Vader with Harley Race Sting Ric Flair Cactus Jack Rick Rude Steve Austin Dustin Rhodes Paul Orndorff Road Warrior Hawk The Shockmaster Johnny B. Badd Brian Knobbs Jerry Sags King Kong Rip Rogers Shanghai Pierce
    Vader with Harley Race Sting Ric Flair Cactus Jack Rick Rude Steve Austin Dustin Rhodes Paul Orndorff Road Warrior Hawk The Shockmaster Johnny B. Badd Brian Knobbs Jerry Sags King Kong Rip Rogers Shanghai Pierce


  • The Lapsed Fan #224 Pt. 1

    3 hr 40 min

  • The Lapsed Fan #224 Pt. 2

    3 hr 48 min

Event Chronology


November 20, 1993