Halloween Havoc ‘93
Show Results
Six-Man Tag Team MatchIce Train, Charlie Norris & The Shockmaster The Equalizer & Harlem Heat (Kole & Kane)Ice Train, Charlie Norris & The Shockmaster The Equalizer & Harlem Heat (Kole & Kane)(9:45)
Singles MatchRicky Steamboat Paul Orndorff with The AssassinPaul Orndorff with The Assassin Ricky Steamboatby Count Out(18:35)
Singles MatchC Lord Steven Regal with Sir William Dundee Davey Boy SmithC Lord Steven Regal with Sir William Dundee Davey Boy SmithTime Limit Draw(15:00)WCW World Television Championship
Singles MatchC Dustin Rhodes Steve AustinC Dustin Rhodes Steve Austin(14:23)WCW United States Heavyweight Championship
Tag Team MatchC 2 Cold Scorpio & Marcus Alexander Bagwell with Teddy Long The Nasty Boys (Brian Knobbs & Jerry Sags) with Missy HyattThe Nasty Boys (Brian Knobbs & Jerry Sags) with Missy Hyatt C 2 Cold Scorpio & Marcus Alexander Bagwell with Teddy Long(14:38)WCW World Tag Team Championship
Singles MatchSting Sid Vicious with Col. Robert ParkerSting Sid Vicious with Col. Robert Parker(10:41)
Singles MatchC Ric Flair with Fifi Rick RudeRick Rude C Ric Flair with Fifiby DQ(19:22)WCW International World Heavyweight ChampionshipSpecial Referee: Terry Taylor
Spin the Wheel, Make the Deal: Texas Death MatchCactus Jack Big Van Vader with Harley RaceBig Van Vader with Harley Race Cactus Jack(15:59)
What Happened When #12
83 Weeks with Eric Bischoff #134