WrestleMania 13
Show Results
Free for All MatchFlash Funk with Funkette Tracy & Funkette Nadine Billy GunnBilly Gunn Flash Funk with Funkette Tracy & Funkette Nadine(7:05)
Fatal Four-Way Elimination Tag Team MatchDoug Furnas & Philip LaFon The Godwinns (Henry O. Godwinn & Phineas I. Godwinn) with Hillbilly Jim The Head Bangers (Mosh & Thrasher) The New Blackjacks (Blackjack Bradshaw & Blackjack Windham)The Head Bangers (Mosh & Thrasher) Doug Furnas & Philip LaFon The Godwinns (Henry O. Godwinn & Phineas I. Godwinn) with Hillbilly Jim The New Blackjacks (Blackjack Bradshaw & Blackjack Windham)(10:39)
Singles MatchC Rocky Maivia The Sultan with Bob Backlund & The Iron SheikC Rocky Maivia The Sultan with Bob Backlund & The Iron Sheik(9:47)WWF Intercontinental Championship
Singles MatchGoldust with Marlena Hunter Hearst Helmsley with ChynaHunter Hearst Helmsley with Chyna Goldust with Marlena(14:29)
Tag Team MatchC Owen Hart & The British Bulldog Mankind & Vader with Paul BearerC Owen Hart & The British Bulldog Mankind & Vader with Paul BearerDouble Count Out(16:08)WWF Tag Team Championship
No Holds Barred Submission MatchBret Hart Stone Cold Steve AustinBret Hart Stone Cold Steve Austinby referee's decision(22:05)Special Referee: Ken Shamrock
Six-Man Tag Team Chicago Street FightAhmed Johnson & The Legion of Doom (Hawk & Animal) The Nation of Domination (Faarooq, Savio Vega & Crush) with Clarence Mason, D'Lo Brown, JC Ice & Wolfie DAhmed Johnson & The Legion of Doom (Hawk & Animal) The Nation of Domination (Faarooq, Savio Vega & Crush) with Clarence Mason, D'Lo Brown, JC Ice & Wolfie D(10:45)
No Disqualification MatchC Sycho Sid The UndertakerThe Undertaker C Sycho Sid(21:19)WWF Championship • Title Change!
Grilling JR #153
Something to Wrestle with Bruce Prichard #37
Foley is Pod #4
The Lapsed Fan #25