WrestleMania XII
Show Results
Free for All Tag Team MatchThe Godwinns (Henry O. Godwinn & Phineas I. Godwinn) with Hillbilly Jim The Bodydonnas (Skip & Zip) with SunnyThe Bodydonnas (Skip & Zip) with Sunny The Godwinns (Henry O. Godwinn & Phineas I. Godwinn) with Hillbilly Jim1:0(5:22)(Vacant) WWF Tag Team Championship • Title Change!
Additional Stipulations
WWF World Tag Team Title Tournament Final
Free for All MatchThe Huckster The Nacho ManThe Huckster The Nacho ManNo ContestSpecial Referee: Billionaire Ted
Six-Man Tag Team MatchAhmed Johnson, Jake Roberts & Yokozuna with Mr. Fuji Camp Cornette (The British Bulldog, Owen Hart & Vader) with Jim CornetteCamp Cornette (The British Bulldog, Owen Hart & Vader) with Jim Cornette Ahmed Johnson, Jake Roberts & Yokozuna with Mr. Fuji(13:08)
Hollywood Backlot BrawlRoddy Piper Goldust with MarlenaRoddy Piper Goldust with MarlenaNo Contest(16:47)
Singles MatchSavio Vega Stone Cold Steve Austin with Ted DiBiaseStone Cold Steve Austin with Ted DiBiase Savio Vega(10:05)
Singles MatchThe Ultimate Warrior Hunter Hearst Helmsley with SableThe Ultimate Warrior Hunter Hearst Helmsley with Sable(1:39)
Singles MatchThe Undertaker with Paul Bearer DieselThe Undertaker with Paul Bearer Diesel(26:46)
60-Minute Iron Man MatchC Bret Hart Shawn Michaels with José LotharioShawn Michaels with José Lothario C Bret Hart1-0(61:56)WWF Championship • Title Change!
Grilling JR #152
Something to Wrestle with Bruce Prichard #263
The Lapsed Fan #24